
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Me Frustrated = Ms. Pissy Pants

I have come to realize that when I don't eat enough calories during the day that I progressively get crankier and crankier (I'm a genius!).  I get irritable and frustrated very easily, and then that leads to one of the worst versions of me that exists, Ms. Pissy Pants.  You can't say anything to get me out of this lil funk.  Best thing a person can do is throw me a granola bar and give me a half hour until it hits my stomach. Otherwise, you're asking for it.  And believe me, you don't want any of this haha.
I did not consume enough calories throughout the day today, and I was a pretty irritable, pissy person by the time I got home.  I then proceeded to stuff my face, which is never a good decision when you're supposed to be dieting.  I.was.starving.  It was my own damn fault for not bringing enough food for lunch and for spending my lunch talking to my mortgage guy (yep I should be a homeowner by my 27th birthday!!) I really need to do a better job with planning my meals in advance.  I'm really hoping that once the house is mine and everything in it is mine, that I'll be better about this. I'll make that a goal for 2012. Better grocery shopping and food planning throughout the week. Any suggestions for this would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I despise grocery shopping, btw, so if your suggestion includes grocery shopping for me, I'd be totally down.

I'm in a much better mood now that I've chowed down.  I wish I could say I was going to the gym tonight but I'm experiencing some difficulties with my left quad.  I got to volleyball early Tuesday, but unfortunately didn't get a chance to warm up properly because the team playing before us needed a girl and asked me to play. I went from walking outside in 16 degree weather to immediately jumping on the volleyball court and playing a sport I hadn't played in over a month...not the smartest decision of my life, and I'm suffering now because of it.  I felt pain when I did whatever I did to hurt my quad, but with the adrenaline and such, I didn't realize how much my left quad hurt until I got up on Wednesday.  My run on Wednesday was 3.5 miles, and I didn't feel like dealing with the cold and snow, so I went to the gym.  It was soooo boring.  Gosh, I hate the treadmill in comparison to outside running. By the time I got home from the gym my quad was definitely worse. 
So I had a massage scheduled Wednesday night.  I am a member at Massage Envy and it is probably one of the highlights of my month.  One massage a month is a really nice way to treat myself.  Anywho, my massage went well until he got to my quad.  I almost yelped in pain... it was not fun.  He worked it a little bit to try to get it to loosen up, but it was very sensitive.  He basically told me to take it easy and stretch more.  Smart man. I woke up today and it was incredibly tight.  Every step I felt the pain. It did get better as the day went on and seemed to loosen up.  I will be stretching lots tonight!

The quad tweak has also been a source of frustration to me.  I finally feel like I'm getting into a good schedule with running and something stupid like this happens.  I don't think it's anything serious and I'm sure a little bit of rest will make it go away, but it's definitely annoying.  I don't want to take a break, I want to run 3.5 miles tomorrow and 5 on Sunday.  Guess I'll have to take it day by day at this point. GRRRR.  It just seems silly to push too much right now when I have a long way of training to go until the half marathon.  I'm not being a sissy, I'm listening to my body and taking a few days off to nip this in the butt.  If I have to skip tomorrow's run, then fine, but I will be running Sunday, so shape up quad, cause I won't let you bring me down!

I think one of the smartest things we can do as "athletes" (I use that term incredibly loosely when referring to myself, I'm more of an aspiring athlete) is listen to our bodies.  Only you know the the difference between pain and soreness. Only you know whether you're being a wuss and not pushing yourself, or whether you're actually injured.  Listen to your body.  A minor tweak is much easier to deal with earlier in training then a nagging injury in May when it's half marathon time.  Weeeellll that's what I'm trying to tell myself right now. Positive thoughts, pals. 


  1. suggestions: write up a list and send Rolo to the market with a sack of coins around his neck.

    also, provide him with a little red wagon to bring it all home.

  2. ahh that spardicus is hilarious. get a heating pad...or come to my house and borrow my thermophore...get that quad all heated up then stretch gently to loosen the there redness or swelling in the area? and as far as shopping what christine and i do...(or i should say christine because she shops while i work)...go to the grocery store once every two weeks. stock up on all the non-spoily stuff...plan ahead for meals.. freeze leftovers for some other time, and label them in bags. stop at the store briefly during off hours for the fresh stuff and you will breeze through the lines in and out ...and not that you are nearly a save money, go to aldi. (take a quarter for the cart, and your own bags.) you'll save a TON of money.

  3. I agree with Ron, Aldi is a life saver, but for big shopping trips you're in for some juggling if you forget your quarters :)

  4. Thank you all for the advice! Brother, no swelling, just tightness. Nothing serious, and luckily it seems to be almost healed! :) I still have not venture to Aldi's, but I will gladly go with quarters and bags in hand. I'm actually excited about having the house and planning meals and getting back on track with cooking healthier!
