
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SoOoO Happy!

Volleyball starts again tonight!!!!!!!!!!
This month hiatus has been terrible. I've missed it so!  Not only have I missed playing the sport, but I've missed the people I play with every week.  They have become such close friends and I couldn't be more thankful that we got our teams together!
We won the championship last session, so I hope we can keep up the good work and pull out another victorious season.
It's a great feeling playing organized sports again.  You don't realize just how much you miss organized sports until you haven't played them for years (2000-2001 for me and volleyball). There is something to be said about team camaraderie and building your skills in any sport.  It has definitely given me even more confidence in myself, and who couldn't use a little bit more of that these days?
It will be great to pull on my freshly laundered knee pads and dirty them with sweat and grime from the court. I'm also completely stoked for the bruises that I always develop on my forearms at the start of a new session. 
Here is a lovely bruise from last session...thanks SBB!
P.S. Random fact-o-the-day - I bruise like a PEACH!


  1. i miss organized sports...having someone cheer for you is one of the greatest feelings in the world...

  2. Agreed... that and the camaraderie!
