
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back on Track!

It feels good to write this post today.  I do realize it's been a while since I've updated about what's been happening in my fitness/food adventure.  I can't lie, there's been some good and there's been some bad.  I'm ending on a positive note though, so that has to be worth something, right?
Since Thursday January 12th, my last update, here is what transpired (my apologies for being boring):
I skipped a run Friday the 13th
I skipped a run Saturday the 14th
My excuse? PSSHH.. this could go on for pages.  I'm full of excuses when it comes to skipping runs.  It's always something.  I'll just blame these missed workouts on extreme laziness and cold weather.  I just couldn't bring myself to be productive and exercise when it was freezing outside.  Temperatures in the teens and single digits are truly not conducive to my running schedule and I'll be the first to admit that I'm a baby when it comes to running outside in below 20 degree (Fahrenheit) weather. 
I competed in an all day Vball tournament on Sunday the 15th
I'm not even going to talk about how big of a disaster this was, but just believe me when I say that it is something I'd like to erase from my memory.  We are a great team, we just could NOT pull ourselves together. "That's all I have to say about that."
On the night of Sunday the 15th, bad things started a brewing.  Bad bad stomach things.
I'm not going to go into any detail but it was not fun for this gal.
Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th
I was basically incapacitated.. living in my bed... sipping ginger ale ....completely miserable.  During those two days I only consumed 2 bananas and some brown rice.  I dropped 5.5 lbs... well hey, there's a positive right??  I missed zumba and volleyball.  Very upset about that.
Wednesday the 18th
Recovery day.  Back to work, but still not feeling 100%.  Plus, having consumed so little in the past two days, I had zero energy.  I wasn't going to push myself into a workout even though I knew I needed one, desperately.
Thursday the 19th
Skipped a workout due to Book Club.  Insert any of the aforementioned excuses.
Friday the 20th
Dinner and Seth Meyers meant I had a great excuse for not working out, I had no time to make it happen.  I could have gotten up early, before work, and ran but that will probably never, ever happen in this lifetime. So there's my excuse.
Saturday the 21st
Insert any excuse here that you would like.  The weather was nice in the afternoon so I can't even blame that.
Sunday the 22nd 
Realized I seriously needed to quit making excuses, so I decided to set out on a run and see how I felt.  I wasn't going to push terribly hard, just wanted to see how my body dealt with my recent inactivity.  I hadn't taken a week and a half off of running in a long time and I had no idea how it was going to affect me.  Well this happened. BOOM!
I was supposed to run 6 miles as my long run that week and so I did. I just ran. I felt great while I was running and decided that I would take complete advantage of that rarity and go for it.  It.felt.amazing.  It also rejuvenated my desire to run the 1/2 marathon.  Something about completing a long run makes you feel like you can conquer anything! "You will never regret going for a run."  That quote couldn't be more true.
I also had volleyball Sunday night, which was good.  Just a meet and greet before the season started and some laid back playing.  Felt great.
Monday January 23 (GEEZUZ January is almost over!)
Zumba!!  Great workout, even though my legs were feeling very sore from the long run Sunday.  It was good to get them moving but I was HURTING last night.  Luckily, I'm feel just a little bit of soreness today.  The best thing you can do for sore muscles is get them a movin'!

So here is the positive in all of this.  The stomach flu sort of jump kicked my diet.  I lost 5.5 lbs when I was sick and I wondered if I would be able to keep it off.  CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!
I didn't really get my appetite back until Thursday, so I tried my darndest to not overdo it.  I ate sensibly all week and even ordered a salmon salad when the BF and I went to dinner Friday (who is this girl?). Not only was I able to keep the 5.5 lbs off, but I also lost another 0.8 lbs!  I know that my biggest challenge in dieting is my quantity.  I eat a LOT in one sitting.  Healthy food or unhealthy food, doesn't matter, I'm eating bigger quantities than I should be.  So this week was a good lesson for me.  Portion control is the key to success in my dieting adventures...UMMM DUHHHH... I get that everyone knows that, but it's easier said than done.

So in summation, I'm at the lowest weight I've been in years.  5ish more lbs and I'm almost to my high school weight range. This girl is back on track and you'll have to hold me accountable for not falling off the wagon again!


  1. Sorry you were sick, way to get back on track. Maybe I need the stomach flu to jumpstart my diet? hahaha

  2. Haha you do not want that stomach flu!! Good luck on your upcoming race. Can't wait to read the re-cap!

  3. does this mean no sushi date??

    also, you should be texting me when you need motivation. no excuses run like a champ!

  4. good run dude. sorry you were sick! BLAH

  5. you have not failed me, starshine. just get back in the groove. :)
