
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Too Soon

Well I went shopping on my lunch hour.  As you know from previous posts, I despise clothes shopping because it does nothing but bring me down. I usually just look in the mirror with disgust.

Today was no different.

I could go on and on ranting plenty of self deprecating thoughts, but right now I just can't even type it. 
Right now, I'm just disappointed and sad.


  1. It makes me so sad to hear you say that. When I look at you I see a gorgeous girl... not just saying that. I think you're so pretty, I love your eyes, and you have an awesome personality. Having said that I know what it's like to pick yourself apart and be so hard on yourself. Just know 99% of the people around you do NOT see what you see. Chin up you beautiful girl!!!! A size on a pair of pants does not define you!!!!

  2. You should have waited for me to be there!

  3. yeah! listen to susan! she knows what she is talking about!
