
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Letter to You

Dear Body,

It's been a while since we've had a chat, but right now you're starting to scare me. You seem to have turned against me, and I'm not exactly sure why.  I think you find it humorous to consistently throw me small kinks in my path to a healthier, happier lifestyle and I'm starting to get frustrated.

I know that I've been working you hard the last few months; taking away so much of the food you love, forcing you to work harder on less calories and consistently pushing you to build muscles you didn't even know you had stored under those layers of flubber.  I get it, you're not happy, but now is NOT the time to lash out at me.

You've done so good so far, only minor aches and pains and tweaked muscles.  For the most part you have been handling this half marathon training plan like a champ.  Please do not crap out on me now.

I know that I've been putting a lot of stress on my IT bands.  I know that I have very tight hips and my legs could use some more strength training.  I know that I have overworked you in the past to the point of being unable to walk without pain behind my knee and I know that you enjoyed the 4-6 weeks of minimal activity and physical therapy, but for the love of God, please don't do this to me now, because there will be consequences.

Sure, you might get those few days of rest, but I will come at you like a spider monkey.  I will foam roll those knots right out of you while screaming in pain.  I will stretch you and I will ice you and I will do whatever it takes to beat you into submission, because I have come too far and I will not let you win this time.  

Read this article on Beating the Band. (Courtesy of Omar). You're going down IT band.  GOING.DOWN. I am armed and ready to fight back!

Love hugs and kisses,


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