
Friday, March 30, 2012


A brief note to readers before I get into my post for the day.  I do realize that my last post was a bit debbie downer.  I'm not going to apologize for my feelings and being upset with my lack of results.  I know that I have to keep working and that these things don't come easily. I have never actually been someone who has cared about the number on my pants or on my scale.  I've always cared more about being active and fit.  I have always said, and will always say, that I'd rather be a thicker/bigger, fit and active person, then a skinny person with no muscle, strength or athleticism. I've realized that I do need to lose some weight in order to be healthy and to have happy joints, so that's what I'm working on. Anyone who has tried to lose knows how frustrating it can be.  I'm emotional at times and I can't always be positive, but I thought I should let you all know that I'm doing my best to bounce back.  Sometimes, I need to have a pity party.  I need to feel all sorts of sad and pathetic and cry and then I get it out of my system, and move on.  These flubs happen, but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop working hard to get what I want. So onward and upward, fronds. Have patience with me during this journey!

So big things are happening tomorrow.  My longest mileage race yet, 8.1 miles! It's the Just a Short Run in North Park.  Get excited fronds. I can't really lie, I'm a weeeeee bit nervous.  I've only run over 8 miles 3 times during my training so far, and with my IT bands being big jerks, it might be a tough race.  Who really knows, it's hit or miss.

I did 5 miles last night with Polish Josh, and I struggled immensely for the first 3.5.  I just couldn't get into a good groove and I could not seem to control my breathing.  Plus, my IT bands were not enjoying the run.  I'm glad I got the mileage in, and I made sure to use the foam roller last night and stretch as much as possible.  Today will consist of plenty of rolling and stretching and hydrating. 

Shay picked up our race packets yesterday.  I always get a little excited for packets pickups because of the goodies in the bags.  Asics running shorts and socks, and a neon green tech shirt? FANTASTIC. 

Good luck to Shay, Big Al and Polish Josh tomorrow on the 8.1 miler.  I know they are all going to kill it with me!

Good luck to Sarah and her quest to tackle the 30k (18 miles).  You're going to beat the beast frond! YOU CAN DO IT~


  1. Happy to see that first paragraph :) When you're down, you're down; when you're up you're up.

    So proud of you for pushing through the pain! I've only recently discovered what it's like to have to prepare for a race knowing that part of you may blow up and completely sabotage you...not sure how you keep going out there time and time again but it's an inspiration for sure! :)

  2. lol spardicus. when you're down your down, when you're up you're up, when you neither down nor up you neither up or down...or something like that...we sing it with the kids in the pool...then dunk them as deep as the kid is comfortable...with noah thats up to his lips...then he drinks the pool.

    1. hahahahahhahahaha you are too funny Ohm. Poor Noah.
