
Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines Day Run

Well tomorrow is a big day for Sarah, Shay and myself.  A big day because it is one year since our first 5k together.  One year since the dreaded Cupid Shuffle in North Park.  I can easily say that my first 5k was the worst 5k I've ever done.   Actually, after that race last year I'm not sure why I ever kept running.  I don't want to go too much into this because I am still trying to get Sarah to finish her guest blog entry about it, but it was extremely ugly.  Snow pelting your face, low 20 degree weather, hard to breathe, hilly, terrible and conveniently, also the day that my IT band injury decided to surface. Here is an absolutely terrible and embarrassing photo from the race last year.... and you're welcome.
This picture actually makes me a little sick to my stomach.  No wonder the kid I was dating at the time told me I looked like I was gaining weight.  I was plump plump plump here.  GROSS.  Yay for being 22 lbs lighter now.  

So tomorrow is the Valentines Day race. Last year's race was very small, but this year it has expanded into a 5k race or a 5 mile race.  All three of us are doing the 5 mile race, Kim isn't racing this year, even though she annihilated the race last year.  We'll miss you Kimmy!

I like doing races that support charities.  I like knowing I'm giving my money and torturing myself for a good cause; it's better doing it for someone else, than just for me.  It's only a small donation but I like to think that every bit helps. Here is a link to the race/donation page.

Valentine's Day 5k & 5 Miler!

Every mile "Makes A Difference"... Every step you take brings us one step closer in our mission to finding a cure!

A Pittsburgh Organization raising money for Glut1 DS & Glucose Transporter research which impacts other diseases such as epilepsy, diabetes and cancers! 100% of ALL donations you raise will directly fund research studies, education and awareness projects.

RSG1 is comprised of an elite group of esteemed medical, legal and business professionals who have dedicated their time, expertise, and energies toward creating a network of support and hope. All of our board members, associates and affiliates volunteer 100% of their time and energies to our mission! RSG1 has no paid staff or employees! We need your support too!

Remi Savioz Glut1 Foundation (RSG1) Event Start Time:10:00am
Raise money for medical research, education and
create awareness for Glut 1 Deficiency Syndrome & Glucose Transporters that affect a wide range of diseases such as cancers, epilepsy and diabetes. Help us to create funding for more effective treatment options and better patient care!
Together we can save lives and "Make A Difference!"
A portion of our event proceeds will also benefit the RSG1 Brain Fund at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh!

I've never run a race longer than a 5k, so this will be a new experience for me.  I'm looking forward to a new challenge and seeing how I fare this year against the hills and the weather.  Unfortunately for us, it looks like the weather is going to be similar to last year, snowy and cold!  Shay and I are still dreading this race a little bit, mainly because of the weather.  Sarah, who has become so dedicated to her training for the full marathon in May that I don't even recognize her sometimes, is full of positive thoughts and a positive attitude.  She keeps saying to us, why are you guys dreading this?  Look how far we have come!  This is a true test of how much we have advanced as runners.  And you know, she is so right.

Yes, I know that we can't possibly expect the weather to actually behave for us on race day, as it has been lately around here (who signs up for 5 mile races in February in Pittsburgh!?!? SMH). Yes, 40 degree, sunny weather would make this race far more enjoyable, but ya know, what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger, right?  Tomorrow will be just like any other long training run.  My fronds and I will step out into the weather, suck it up and kill the race.  We might not be the fastest runners on the course, but we are definitely dedicated and determined to push ourselves.  It's going to be a great feeling crossing the finish line and being able to say we did this race in freezing temperatures with snow pelting our faces. 
Positive thoughts only fronds!


  1. awwww frond! just read this now and it brought a tear to my eye (the disgusting picture of us you posted - not your sappy sentiments... KIDDING!!! :))

    So proud of your finish yesterday. Keep kicking ass and I promise I will work on a blog entry soooooon.

  2. That race was pretty horrible. All I remember was being miserable - the ENTIRE TIME. Major props to your weight loss and running accomplishments Trish!! :)
