
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

::Shakes Fist::

This post is going to be completely random because I'm in a weird mood:

1.  Apparently, I work with some gross women.  Not only does our office have a toilet seat sprinkler who chooses not to clean up after they sprinkle so the next seat sitter gets a wet tush, but we also seem to have a toilet seat pooper, yes this woman poops on the toilet seat and doesn't clean it up, and a booger flicker.  That lovely individual must pick her nose while on the pot and flings it onto the door.  Lovely, justflippinlovely.  The worst part about it all, our bathroom is only used by our floor, so I work directly with the woman/women who does one, two and perhaps all three. Gross ::shakes fist::

2.  I made a terrible mistake by not packing enough healthy food for breakfast and completely forgot to pack my lunch, too.  My stomach has been grumbling since about 10:00. Damn you deliciously, delightful Oakmont bakery cookies that just jumped into my mouth. ::Shakes fist::

3.  I'd like a do-over of yesterday, please.  My last day off from my Christmas break was not nearly as productive as it should have been.  I slept in and was therefore extra lazy and decided to postpone going to the gym so that I could snuggle with my pup Rolo. 

I had 3.5 miles to log on the treadmill because the weather was completely miserable and running outside was not happening.  After lazing around most of the morning, I decided to see a movie with the boyfriend.  The Adventures of Tintin.  My God could that movie be any more boring?  It dragged on FOR-EV-ER (in my best Squints voice from the Sandlot). I'd like a refund and those 2 hours of my life back, please. After the movie, instead of going home and going to the gym to run, I decided to stop over and visit with my brother Bob and his wife Terri and my nephew Emry.  This was the only part of yesterday I'd keep the same.  I mean look at this kid, how cute is he?  He absolutely loved my pink converse.  I kindly asked for them back so I could leave and he shook his head no and walked away.  
Needless to say, by the time I got home I ended up blogging, watching some tv shows and reading some Chelsea Handler on my Kindle.  Yup that whole running thing never happened.  Guess I have to hurry home, run 3.5 miles on the treadmill, change and then go ice skating and drinking for Lucy's birthday, instead of just enjoying a night out off from the gym and out with friends.  :shakes fist:

4.  Oh and did I mention, it's snowing.  :shakes fist:

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