
Monday, May 14, 2012

IT Band Update, One Week Post Half

So it's officially been over a week since the half marathon and I can honestly say I'm still as motivated as ever to keep running and to get in better shape. BUT we have a little issue.  STUPID IT BAND.

I took a week off of all exercise for a few reasons, but the main one being my IT band.  Now that the half is over and I have a break before I conquer my next training plan, I could finally give my leg a break.  I know, from my experiences with this re-occurring injury, that overuse is usually the main reason for the soreness. 

Sometimes all I need to do is give it a break and stretch/foam roll the knots out of it.  Sadly, the pain was really bad this week, and it wasn't the sore type of pain, but the shooting pain that caused me to limp the first few days after the race, and then the next few days, limp every time I sat with my leg bent for too long.  The pain was so bad, that I didn't even foam roll.  Bad Fishy.  The thought of putting that foam roller on my already hurting leg just made me cringe.

Even after a week of rest, I'm still at the limping every time I sit with my leg bent for too long stage...   :(

This displeases me greatly.  I know now is the time to get this leg back to good, with no required long runs, etc.  But I feel like a fat lard, and I'm really itching to get out for a run.

So tonight, the plan is to test it out.  Weather permitting, I want to get a short run in with PJ, just to see how the leg feels.  I just need to know how badly it hurts during and after a run, so I can plan ways to get in physical activity that doesn't cause me further pain.  I have to do something, I can't just sit here another week! So fingers crossed that it's not too bad after a run, a foam roll and a killer stretching session. 


  1. What's your next training plan? Another half? Marathon? Ironman? :)

    1. I think next in the book is another half. I'll write a post about it!! Thanks for reading and commenting Lucygoosey.

  2. Good luck frond. I took the whole week off too to try and heal up these shin splints and I couldn't take the laziness anymore. I just want the pain to go away completely so I have been using the elliptical in hopes the no impact workout will help so that I can hit the pavement again! Geez we're old!

    1. We are old indeed my frond. :) I think low impact is definitely the way to go!

  3. rest up won't lose any fitness after a week. :) see you friday!
