
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 2 Results

Things are still going strong over. I'm feeling much better, although I can't seem to shake this cold. Overall, I feel like I have more energy and my cravings are barely there. I still want something sweet, but the craving is not nearly as strong. I am trying not to eat too much fruit during this cleanse because I know I need to monitor natural sugar intake to lose weight, especially since it has been basically impossible to work out these last few weeks due to the "wheat flu" detox hell and then this stupid chest cold.

I'm getting excited for meals after the cleanse and the occasional Paleo friendly treat. It is the only way I will be able to maintain this lifestyle. That and the occasional cheat meal. I have faith that I can do this and make it work for me in the long run, 80/20.

I'm also really looking forward to running again and seeing how this diet works with my half marathon training schedule that starts in February.

Oh and I'm down another 3 lbs so that always helps matters. 10.5 in 2 weeks...not too shabby fronds.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week One Results!

I'm going to keep this post short because I'm writing it from my phone on public transportation. I really wanted to get this done last night but making my breakfast and lunch for the next day took priority. So yesterday was my first official weigh in! A couple things before I get to the results.

It's been a rough week, but not in the way I thought it would be. I expected to be hungry or craving foods I couldn't have.  I can honestly say the only thing I really wanted this week was juice, which is odd because I rarely drink juice. I think that this wicked cold is to blame. My raw throat just wants something cold and sweet to soothe it.

I am proud that I went a week without cheating. Every single food or drink item consumed was Paleo (to my knowledge).

The withdrawal symptoms are mainly gone (thank you sweet baby Jesus). I still have a lingering headache and my leg muscles are constantly fatigued.  I read somewhere that the sensation is similar to what you might think walking through oatmeal would feel like.  That is a perfect explanation of what my legs are experiencing.  I have a feeling I will feel a million times better once I can kick this stupid cold!

So, are you ready for the results?
I am down 7.5lbs!

My reaction to this when I looked at the scale?  Shut the f up. Ha! I even weighed myself 4 or 5 different times because I thought my new scale was wrong.  I am beyond stoked.  When you don't cheat, you will see results. 

Now before you make a comment about how I won't be seeing these results in the future/every week blah blah etc etc...I know.  I'd be happy with 1-2 lbs from this point forward. This was an unexpected number and I realize that my body will adjust and weight loss will slow. I've been down this road before. I'm happy it happened and I have realistic expectations for next week.

So there you have it, a successful first week is in the books!  On to the next!

Friday, January 11, 2013


This is going to be short.  Still killing the Paleo diet, haven't cheated yet, but good God am I experiencing major withdrawal/detox symptoms.  I thought maybe I was getting sick but research shows that I'm going through withdrawal from gluten/sugar/carbs.  I even read that symptoms are similar to opiate withdrawal... WHAT!?!

I feel like death.  I am coughing, I have a sore throat, I'm exhausted, my whole body aches and my headache is unbelievable. My back is so achey and sore that I cannot sit comfortably or lay comfortably, or stand for any extended period of time without pain. It's a constant ache that is making me go crazy because I cannot get comfortable in any position.  I may or may not have cried last night... it was that bad. I finally caved last night and popped some pain medicine (gluten free!) for fear that I wouldn't be able to sleep. I can't thank Omar enough for coming over and rubbing my back and helping me take care of the dog last night.  I am lucky to have him in my life!

If what I'm experiencing now isn't proof that refined carbohydrates and sugar are addictive and poisonous to our bodies, then I don't know what is! 

Read this article for more information.  For now, it's time to buy some more gluten free sugar free medicine and try to get some rest. I can only hope this passes soon because everyone raves just how wonderful you feel once you are finally detoxed. FINGERS CROSSED!