
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Revision to a Goal

So I've come to the point where I've attained the goal weight I originally set out to reach back when I first started dieting 9 months ago.  I set that goal originally thinking it would be a stretch to ever reach it, thinking that I would look pretty darn good if I did reach it.
Now that I'm here, I'm not satisfied with the outcome. I don't look like what I thought I would look like at this weight, and to be honest, it's sort of depressing.  I guess it should be a motivation to just keep going, because I'm no where near where I want to be when it comes to my physique.
I'm down 24 pounds and it's still not enough.
Have things improved? Well, of course they have.  My clothing fits better and I've definitely come a long way in my abilities as a runner.
I still look in the mirror and I'm not satisfied with what I see.  
Most people do not notice the weight loss, or if they do they don't say anything to me.
To be perfectly honest, I don't really notice that much change.
It's comical to me now; I seriously thought 24 pounds would be enough when I was so overweight?  Why did I think that would enough? lolz.
So now comes the hard part, setting a new weight loss goal.  I'm thinking it's going to be harder now because I've been hovering around this same weight for the last few weeks.  I don't know if 12 pounds will even make a difference in my appearance, but I think that's the most reasonable goal I can set right now.  I'd like to lose those 12 pounds by July 8th.  I leave for the beach on July 8th.  That's more than enough time...but it's not going to be an easy task for the over-eater that I am.
I'd like this to be the year that I'm comfortable enough to wear a bikini on the beach.  I've never worn one, never in my 27 years of existence.
Could 2012 be the year of the bikini?  Guess we'll just have to wait and see. 


  1. If you honestly cannot notice a chance in yourself, your are blind! You look amazing Trish! Honestly, you are in the best shape of the entire time I have know you.

    I really don't think we'll ever stop striving for weight loss, because no matter what goal you reach, it won't be enough. You will always think that there is something that can be different.

    Just remember the amazing job you have done in these past 9 months, down 24 pounds, clothes fitting all nice, and kicking ass on your marathon training. 12 more pound or not, 2012 will be the year of the bikini. I rock one on the beach and I am no super model, just love yourself and body for what it is and you can wear anything you damn well please :)

    1. Thanks Shay. It was just depressing to me, I thought 24 pounds would show even more than it did! I just have to keep plugging away at it. IDK about this year definitely being the year of the bikini... we shall see!

  2. YOU LOOK great sis!! your face is uber skinny now. give yourself time. your fitness level alone makes you healthy!!

    1. I still have a ways to go Ohm... and you're right, maybe I lost 24 lbs in my face and that's why it's not showing up as a loss elsewhere. It all makes sense now! :)
