
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mad at the World

I woke up this morning and I was angry...mad at the world.
Death. So many people are taken from this world too young. Too early. They haven't even had a chance to live yet and their life is taken away.

I found out on Thursday that a high school friend of my brothers passed away in a house fire. He and his dog passed away in the fire caused by an overloaded outlet strip.  He was 28...28 years old.  I didn't know John very well, I had been to a few gatherings that he also attended and I knew he had a great sense of humor, always making people laugh. So many people spoke so highly of him on the online obituary.  He was caring, loyal, selfless and devoted.  I did know his sister and his dad was my softball coach one summer.  I can't imagine the pain and suffering they all must be going through with such a terrible, unexpected tragedy.  All I have to do is think about how lost I would be if one of my brothers passed away... I wouldn't even be able to function.  My heart just breaks for their family and friends.
I also found out on Saturday that the fiance of a girl I went to high school with passed away from cancer.  I do not know many of the details, as I was never really friends with this girl, but just the thought of what she might be going through at this time breaks my heart.  To lose the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with at such a young can your heart not break for someone experiencing that sort of tragedy?
Omar lost a young friend this summer to a car accident.
I have 4 co-workers who have lost their sons, 3 under the age of 30 and 1 in his 40s.
Shay lost her dad to a heart attack suddenly in 2009.
A co-worker lost her nephew suddenly right after he was born.
Another co-worker miscarried her first child.
And this list could go on and on.  Everyone has their stories.  Tragedies like this happen all too frequently in this world.  It truly makes you wonder how a higher being could let these things happen to good people.  I've always been the type of person to try to see the good that comes from situations.  My motto is that everything happens for a reason.  Well why does death happen to babies? What about small children?  How about young, good-hearted people? The more bad that happens in the world, the more suffering and heartbreak I see people experience, the harder it is for me to have a faith of any kind.
I was born and raised Catholic, and not the casual Catholic that only goes to church on Christmas and Easter.  Nope, we were forced to attend church every Sunday, every holy day, no excuses.  It didn't matter if you were sick or you were working a 12 hour shift that day and had midterms to study for, you were going to get up early and go to church.  It was shoved down our throats and we had no options.  That's just how it was.  As I've gotten older, I've separated myself further and further from religion.  It's sad to say, but it's true.
I always enjoyed having a faith and a belief.  I felt like having those values instilled in me at a young age really helped shape me into the person I am.  BUT, I don't really think it had to be handled the way that it was, and I think my parents even realize that now.  They, the strict Catholics, do not even go to church anymore.  Not even on holidays.  It's mind blowing.
I think people get to the point where they question faith and organized religion. I'm not against religion, in fact I often have days where I wish I could still be a part of an organized religion of some sort, but I'm just not ready to accept any of them, yet.  And the series of events that have recently played out, not only with death but just in life in general, truly makes me question faith. 

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