
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Weird

The Good
I have been doing a good job keeping up with all of my running workouts.  I've done extra workouts and even added more mileage to some of them.  I think having Polish Josh to push me during the week helps a lot. He helps keep me accountable. I put in 28 miles last week!! I've really gotten into a good swing with my running, zumba and volleyball activities.  I feel like I'm getting stronger and I have more energy.  Very, very good things.

The Bad
My eating has NOT been exemplary.  I seem to do relatively well all week (I've even been packing my lunch every day) and then the weekend comes and it all goes to the pooper.  I've gained a pound, grr.  I know, it's one pound, but the problem is that the scale is moving in the wrong direction. So, I'm going to have to work harder to plan healthier portion controlled meals.  As always, majority of the time, my issue is how much I'm eating.  I know what I need to do, I just need to do it. Time to buck up!

The Weird
I've started to notice some weird/interesting things about weight loss and running that I'd like to share because I feel like anyone who loses weight or starts taking running seriously experiences these things... things that I never really thought about before....

  • My underwear does not fit. I never really thought about this happening, but obviously if clothing is getting too big, then unders are getting too big.  And wearing underwear that is too big is SO ANNOYING.  Talk about constant wedgie picking.  It's the worst when you're exercising and your underwear will NOT stay out of your butt! TMI?  Maybe (sorry?), but seriously, it's frustrating.  I'm trying to shake these hips in zumba and all I can think about is how my butt cheek is hanging out of my underwear, under my shorts, and jiggling around.  It ain't pretty.  I SERIOUSLY need to go underwear shopping.  
  • My feet are shrinking. All of my dress shoes are just a little bit too big now and my feet are sliding all over the place in them.  It's quite embarrassing when you basically trip while walking down the hallway at work because your foot slipped right out of your once normal fitting high heel.
  • Wearing over sized clothing is just as bad as wearing clothing that is too small for your frame. My dress pants are just big enough now that they hang on me in places that they should be complimenting and I look ridiculous in certain outfits I once thought I looked okay in. I really need to go shopping for new work clothes. Which leads me to my next point.
  • I still dread clothes shopping.  You would think I would enjoy it more now that clothing should fit better, but I'm soooo not looking forward to my first trip to the mall/store to buy new outfits.  I'm dreading the fact that I'll probably go in and try on things in new sizes and will leave depressed and disappointed because things still won't look right on my body. If I was rich, I'd hire someone to go do my shopping for me, find me cute things to compliment my frame and then return them if they don't fit me.  Besides, I seriously lack any type of fashion style.  I can get by, but barely.  Any takers?
  • I've become more judgmental of strangers (bad fishy :( ) I see people now, who are drastically overweight and unhealthy, eating junk like fast food, and I have a hard time not shaking my head at them for not having more respect for themselves.  Those people eating that junk are probably the same people bitching to their family and friends about how overweight they are. You can't have your cake and eat it too, people.  To lose weight you must move more, and eat less. Simple math, calories ingested must be less than calories burned. That's the healthy way to do it, there is no magic pill and there most definitely is no quick fix. It takes time and it takes a lot of patience.  Is it as easy as eating junk and not exercising and complaining constantly? No, if it was easy, everyone would do it.  So man up, starting watching your portions and get moving.  Start small and slowly work your way up.  You can do it, put your back into it! I really have no room to judge people and I actually hate that my mind goes there, because it makes me sound like a bitch, so my apologies #icequeen.  I'm still considered overweight, but I am seriously trying to lose it and make myself the happiest/healthiest version that I can.  I would never judge someone who was overweight but was attempting to change their life and get healthy again. I know that I still have a long way to go with my weight loss and my fitness level, so please don't think I'm on a high horse here, just sort of ranting frustrations...everything in moderation people! {end rant}
  • I no longer judge a runner by their speed.  I used to look at someone running and think, psshhh I can run faster than them. Now I look at them and wonder what mile they are on and how many more miles they have to go. Are they training for a race, or just doing this to keep in shape?  How long have they been running? I commend anyone who is out running, biking, rollerblading, walking etc. regardless of pace, distance or physique.  If you're moving, you're doing something healthy and good for yourself, and you're doing more than the person sitting at home on the couch. The parks are full of people now that the weather is getting nicer, and each time I see the parks crowded I have to smile.
  • Blisters.  Gross, gross blisters on my feet. Enough said.
So there you go, the good, the bad and the weird.  Happy First Day of Spring!


  1. Great post. I recommend the "Myfitnesspal" app. It definitely helps me dial in my nutrition. Keep up the great work Trish!

    1. Thanks PJ! That's the app I used to lose weight, by tracking calories and exercise. I have been trying to do it on my own, just to see if I could, but apparently I am not at that point yet. Thanks for the ongoing encouragement!

  2. sometimes when you are running though...depending on how many miles etc you actually need to eat a little more. if you are exercising hardcore...and eating the same low calorie diet your body is probably going into save it self increasing your calories by a few hundred you may actually see a difference... got a pin?

  3. I view runner the same way now! Also, I am dire need of some new clothes. Maybe a shopping trip is in order? We can sing Adele in the car!
