HAPPY 2013
It's gonna be a good year, I can feel it.
I know that I've disappeared for a while ::slaps own hand::.
I lost my blogging desire...hell, I lost a lot of my running desire. Things got a little out of control towards the end of 2012. But, like most slackers, with the switch to a new year, comes the need to change oneself and get back on track. This means setting goals, changing my diet, getting back to an exercise routine, blogging more frequently and bettering myself in other ways outside of fitness and health.
So the big changes ahead of me...
1.) Starting the Paleo/Primal Diet. Monday's the day, so I'll blog more on this topic later (I'm working on that post already). It's time to get my carb/sugar fetish under control because it's been so out of control for so long that it makes me physically sick. It's time to get moving to a more whole foods, healthier lifestyle. Time to lose some more lbs. Time to get my energy back. It's just damn time for some change fronds. So much more to talk about and discuss, but we'll get into that later... so come back soon!
2.) Training for the Pittsburgh Half Marathon starts in early February. Time to get back to it. My goal is to do better than I did last year. This should not be a problem. I'm not going to over train like I did previously and I'm going to take care of my body better with the proper fuel, rest and recovery. I will also plan on doing other races in 2013, but haven't quite worked out my schedule yet. I'm sure a post will come along regarding my race schedule.
3.) Hot yoga at Yoga Flow in the South Hills a minimum of once a week, but preferably twice a week. I started taking yoga recently and it has done wonderful, wonderful things for both my mind and my body. It's really hard to explain how much it affects me, but I love it. I never dread going to class. I look forward to it before hand, enjoy it during and feel like a million bucks after. It's fabulous. My strength has increased, my flexibility is better and most important to my running, my hips are becoming stronger and more flexible. If you remember my IT band has been an ongoing issue. My physical therapist told me that one of the main reasons I experience pain is because my hips are so tight, so they put major strain on my knees. And boy oh boy are they tight. I can't even get into certain poses during class because of how tight they are. So hopefully yoga will do good things for my running, my body and my mental health. All good things fronds!
4.) Tracking my workouts on daily mile. This means tracking volleyball, running, yoga and whatever else I decide to do this year. I want to have something to visually view my progress, especially at the end of 2013. This will also keep me honest because I won't want to look like a total slacker!
5.) Take better care of my hair and nails. I love nail polish but my nails are a train wreck. So I'm working on taking better care of them and also painting them more frequently. Seems like a silly change, but I hate when my nails look like a little boys (haha). Also, taking better care of my hair. My main reason for this is because I want to donate my hair to Locks of Love. I have hair that is fine and shiny, but breaks easily. So I'm working on making it beautiful and strong so that I can cut it off and donate it to an organization that makes wigs for financially disadvantaged children with long term medical hair loss. I will need 10 inches. Luckily for me, my hair grows quickly, it just desperately needs some TLC. So perhaps I'll blog about my nail and hair strengthen adventure as well.
So here goes nothing fronds. Wish me luck and please follow me on this journey. I'll need help, support, recommendations and reminders along the way. You're the best.
welcome back!