
Monday, January 30, 2012

Having your Sh*t Together

I've definitely had my sh*t together the last week or so... okay maybe not completely in the food consumption department this weekend, but definitely in the running/exercising department. 
Friday I did 4 miles in 37:23
I have no idea how I did it this quickly.
Sunday I did 6 miles in 1:02:44
Sunday was a bit of a rough run, but I kept pushing through the hills and just kept swimming. Also, played volleyball Sunday night, which was a nice little side workout.
So now that I've gotten you caught up on my running, and I've logged the workouts I was supposed to log last week (hello accountability), I figured I'd write a little about something I saw on Pinterest.  I have an obsession with that website, and it's not a small minor obsession, it's a full fledged love obsession. But that's neither here nor there, back on topic:
Before you think I'm going into some woe is me sort of deal, I'm not, so keep reading.  I actually think I do, well for the most part, have my sh*t together. This e-card just made me think about where I thought I would be at the age of 26, almost 27. 

Every little girl has some thought, at some point, about their life as a grown woman.  What it would be like to have a successful career, have a boyfriend, get married and have babies.  I mean who didn't determine their future by playing the M*A*S*H game.  Do you remember that game?  Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House? I'm pretty sure I determined how my whole life would turn out playing that game over and over and over again with my friends.  Here is a link to an explanation of MASH incase you grew up on another planet.
When I was young, I always said I was going to wait until I was about 25 to get married.  I would proudly state that I wanted to go to college, get my degree and establish myself and my career before getting married. It's funny how as I've gotten older, the idea of establishing myself and my career never changed but that the age in which I wanted to get married kept getting pushed further and further away from 25. I'll be 27 in less than a month, and most likely won't be married anytime soon. I've stopped putting an age requirement on that sort of thing.  When I'm ready to get married, I'll get married.  If that's in 2 years, great, if that's in 10 years, fine, if it never happens, well then it just wasn't meant to be for me.  If I end up never married with 14 dogs and I'm the crazy dog lady that every kid in the neighborhood is scared of, then that's pretty awesome, too.
It's also interesting to note that the thought of buying my own house and supporting myself independently for many years was something I never thought of when I was younger, but that buying a house by myself has been a goal of mine for the last 3 years.  I have been saving and planning and budgeting and saving and saving and saving in preparation, and soon enough, it will become a reality. I'll be able to say I bought my own house, with no co-signer, and no financial help from anyone else.  I'd say that means I've come a long way with getting my sh*t together.
I think I worry sometimes about people/society judging me because I'm not married or planning a family just yet. I think everyone moves through these stages at different times in their lives and that society needs to learn to back off.  I am very happy for my friends who are married.  I am very happy for my 3 brothers who are married.  I'm very happy for everyone who is starting a family.  I love spending time with my nephews and seeing my siblings happily start their own families. I know, when the time is right, I'll join them in that journey, but for now it's just not the right time.
So maybe society would say that I might not have my sh*t together because I'm not married or popping out babies, but most days, I think I'm doing juuuuust fine! Now if only I could get this biological clock to quit ticking.... haha


  1. Great blog sis!! and yes you have your sh*t together. There are so many more that don't. you are an inspiration :)

  2. IDK about being an inspiration, just trying to do my best... thanks for the compliment brother!

  3. Tick Tock Tick Tock....Do you know what that is the sound of?

  4. That's the sound of your life running out.... haha I knew you'd get that reference.

  5. Love this! You know I totally feel the same way :)
