In 2012 I want to (in no particular order):
1. Create a blog and post 3 times a week minimum, but preferably daily.
This one is off to a good start...
2. Live a more informed life.
I have done a piss poor job of keeping up with the news and what's going on locally, in the US and the world. I recently joined Twitter and I feel like it's going to be a great tool for this (follow me @TrishO221). I didn't join Twitter to post every little thing I do at every minute of the day. Gross. I joined because it's up to date information and articles right at my fingertips (how did we live before smart phones?!) Facebook has been a lackluster source of information lately and most days it just makes me mad. I am so happy that you are all out there getting married and having babies, but must it be the only thing you post about?? Come on friends!
3. Always be 10k ready.
My goal in 2011 was to always be 5k ready. I didn't really get to that point until later in 2011, mostly because of my stupid IT band injury, but I got there and I kept that 5k ready goal for majority of 2011. The 10k goal for 2012 will begin as soon as I run 6 miles for the first time. According to my 1/2 marathon training plan, that is not too far away (EEK!). At any point in 2012 I want to be able to go out and run a 10k race and finish without walking. I think that's a reasonable goal, don't you? What's 6.2 miles anyway (insert sarcasm font here)?
4. Buy a house by my 27th Birthday.
This is already in the works. More to follow in later posts, but I should be a homeowner by the beginning of February (my birthday is Feb. 21)! Woot!
5. Run my first 1/2 marathon.
Scheduled for May 6, 2012. Training has already commenced. Bring it on!! Rule #76 No excuses, RUN like a champion!
6. Obligatory yearly weight loss goal. Lose 12 pounds and eat healthier.
I've lost 15 pounds since June 2011. I've recently been eating complete junk and drinking way too much beer so after the holidays, it's back to healthy eating. I've always been a curvy girl, sadly more curvy in the lower regions than in the upper regions, but it's genetics, eh? I don't want to lose my junk in the trunk; I just want to be a healthier version of me, which right now probably requires that a few more lbs come off. So 10 more would be fabulous. 15 would be awesome. 20 would be INCREDIBLE. I'm trying to keep it a realistic, attainable goal of 12 for 2012! This is the app I use on my phone to track my calorie intake, water consumption and exercise. Myfitnesspal has been a great tool for me, and maybe it will be for you, too. Try it out!
7. Be a positive influence in the lives of friends and family.
I've been known to be a bit of debbie downer. I have my moments and my funks that are hard to snap out of when they are happening. For example, it's 3 days until Christmas and I'm basically the Grinch. I just want nothing to do with the holiday season, therefore, I vow that 2012 will be the happiest Christmas ever. I know this is a pretty broad goal and I'm not really sure how I'll even track it, but I'm going to think before I say things that might come off too harshly. I'm going to try to think and say positive, happy thoughts, even if I don't always want to do so. I don't want to "take a turn to negative town". Can anyone name that movie quote?
Well that's about all I have for now. I'm sure this list will grow as the year goes on and I think of more things. I think these goals are realistic and attainable.
BRING ON 2012!