SOOO I bet you forgot that I ran my first half marathon on May 6, of the best days/experiences of my life.
Well incase you wanted to read another blogger's journey through the Pittsburgh Half Marathon, click on the link below and enjoy Omar's version of our journey.
The Revolving Start/Finish Line
Enjoy his journey, follow his blog and happy running fronds!
I'm a 27 year old who just completed my first half marathon. Join me as I battle my love/hate relationship with running and "dieting"
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Day One of the #RWRunStreak
It felt great to head out for a run today. I only did 1.62 miles, but I was a sweaty mess by the time I got back. Gosh it's hot today!
I only felt a small amount of annoyance/pain on my first run. MUCH BETTER THAN A FEW WEEKS AGO! Haha. I can't stress that enough. The true test will be how my leg feels tomorrow. If it's bad, then I'll just stick to one mile a day until it's better.
I'm going to stretch and foam roll and really get this leg back to business.
There is still time for you to join us on for the streaking. Here is the link to the blog where we will be tracking mileage for all involved.
I only felt a small amount of annoyance/pain on my first run. MUCH BETTER THAN A FEW WEEKS AGO! Haha. I can't stress that enough. The true test will be how my leg feels tomorrow. If it's bad, then I'll just stick to one mile a day until it's better.
I'm going to stretch and foam roll and really get this leg back to business.
There is still time for you to join us on for the streaking. Here is the link to the blog where we will be tracking mileage for all involved.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
RW Run Streak 2012
Read this:,7120,s6-238-267-269-14350-0,00.html
Runners World Summer Running Streak 2012=Challenge Accepted!
Any other takers?
I figure even with a bum knee, I can run 1 mile a day. Doesn't matter what speed you run or if you run any further than 1 mile, but you have to run 1 full mile every day for 38 days.
I'll log everyday and let you know what I do.
Obviously in the beginning, it'll not be much more than a mile due to the bum knee, but hopefully as the weeks progress on, I'll be adding more mileage.
What perfect timing for a challenge like this!
Think I can do it? Can you do it? Let's do it together. PJ created the following site and he and I will be tracking results for all participants. Please think about joining us on this challenge. Perhaps prizes will even be involved!
Any takers? Just follow the link and comment on the blog post before May 28th. Come on you know you wanna streak with us!!!
Runners World Summer Running Streak 2012=Challenge Accepted!
Any other takers?
I figure even with a bum knee, I can run 1 mile a day. Doesn't matter what speed you run or if you run any further than 1 mile, but you have to run 1 full mile every day for 38 days.
I'll log everyday and let you know what I do.
Obviously in the beginning, it'll not be much more than a mile due to the bum knee, but hopefully as the weeks progress on, I'll be adding more mileage.
What perfect timing for a challenge like this!
Think I can do it? Can you do it? Let's do it together. PJ created the following site and he and I will be tracking results for all participants. Please think about joining us on this challenge. Perhaps prizes will even be involved!
Any takers? Just follow the link and comment on the blog post before May 28th. Come on you know you wanna streak with us!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Green with Envy
Dear Running,
I miss you... terribly. I can't wait until I can partake in your enjoyment/pain again. I hate this distance that we are forced to have right now. I'm hoping to join you again soon on a wonderful journey. For now, I'll continue to read running/fitness blogs green with envy. :(
Missing you,
PS I never ever EVER thought these words would come out of my 27 year old mouth.
I miss you... terribly. I can't wait until I can partake in your enjoyment/pain again. I hate this distance that we are forced to have right now. I'm hoping to join you again soon on a wonderful journey. For now, I'll continue to read running/fitness blogs green with envy. :(
Missing you,
PS I never ever EVER thought these words would come out of my 27 year old mouth.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Planning the Next Move
So the run on Monday... well that didn't go so well. We only made it about 1.7 miles until I had to stop. The pain was bad and I didn't want it to get any worse. So we stopped and walked for a while. I went home and foam rolled and stretched. I was curious to see how bad the pain was Tuesday morning.
I was definitely in pain Tuesday. Sad panda.
Everything seems to be feeling better today, but I know that it's time to figure out where to go from here. Now is the time to rest up and get this leg back to business.
So I'm planning, thinking and researching. I know that I want to do the Erie Half Marathon in September and the Great Race in Pittsburgh, also in September. I won't have to start training for those until later in the summer. So now I have a bit of time to get stronger and faster.
I know that I can't run just yet, so I need to find some other forms of cardio to get some calories burned. Fishy is feeling like a fat manatee lately! I also need to get some strength training in.
I want to do hot yoga (Vinyassa), I have 4 classes purchased that I need to use. I also am contemplating doing a boot camp class. I have also started researching Crossfit.... don't tell PJ haha.
I want to get stronger and more fit. I want to be healthier. The problem right now is that I'm going to be travelling for the next 3 weeks for work. No point in paying for classes and such when I won't actually be able to partake in them.
So I'm going to have to come up with a routine to do in the gym at the hotel and/or in my hotel room. Time to get this fat ass a-movin'!
Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. And if you're a woman and a crossfitter, I'd love to hear your thoughts/opinions. I have heard from guys but I want to know what women feel about it.
PS babysitting my nephew Noah tonight... can't flipping wait to eat those cheeks!
I was definitely in pain Tuesday. Sad panda.
Everything seems to be feeling better today, but I know that it's time to figure out where to go from here. Now is the time to rest up and get this leg back to business.
So I'm planning, thinking and researching. I know that I want to do the Erie Half Marathon in September and the Great Race in Pittsburgh, also in September. I won't have to start training for those until later in the summer. So now I have a bit of time to get stronger and faster.
I know that I can't run just yet, so I need to find some other forms of cardio to get some calories burned. Fishy is feeling like a fat manatee lately! I also need to get some strength training in.
I want to do hot yoga (Vinyassa), I have 4 classes purchased that I need to use. I also am contemplating doing a boot camp class. I have also started researching Crossfit.... don't tell PJ haha.
I want to get stronger and more fit. I want to be healthier. The problem right now is that I'm going to be travelling for the next 3 weeks for work. No point in paying for classes and such when I won't actually be able to partake in them.
So I'm going to have to come up with a routine to do in the gym at the hotel and/or in my hotel room. Time to get this fat ass a-movin'!
Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. And if you're a woman and a crossfitter, I'd love to hear your thoughts/opinions. I have heard from guys but I want to know what women feel about it.
PS babysitting my nephew Noah tonight... can't flipping wait to eat those cheeks!
Monday, May 14, 2012
IT Band Update, One Week Post Half
So it's officially been over a week since the half marathon and I can honestly say I'm still as motivated as ever to keep running and to get in better shape. BUT we have a little issue. STUPID IT BAND.
I took a week off of all exercise for a few reasons, but the main one being my IT band. Now that the half is over and I have a break before I conquer my next training plan, I could finally give my leg a break. I know, from my experiences with this re-occurring injury, that overuse is usually the main reason for the soreness.
Even after a week of rest, I'm still at the limping every time I sit with my leg bent for too long stage... :(
I took a week off of all exercise for a few reasons, but the main one being my IT band. Now that the half is over and I have a break before I conquer my next training plan, I could finally give my leg a break. I know, from my experiences with this re-occurring injury, that overuse is usually the main reason for the soreness.
Sometimes all I need to do is give it a break and stretch/foam roll the knots out of it. Sadly, the pain was really bad this week, and it wasn't the sore type of pain, but the shooting pain that caused me to limp the first few days after the race, and then the next few days, limp every time I sat with my leg bent for too long. The pain was so bad, that I didn't even foam roll. Bad Fishy. The thought of putting that foam roller on my already hurting leg just made me cringe.
Even after a week of rest, I'm still at the limping every time I sit with my leg bent for too long stage... :(
This displeases me greatly. I know now is the time to get this leg back to good, with no required long runs, etc. But I feel like a fat lard, and I'm really itching to get out for a run.
So tonight, the plan is to test it out. Weather permitting, I want to get a short run in with PJ, just to see how the leg feels. I just need to know how badly it hurts during and after a run, so I can plan ways to get in physical activity that doesn't cause me further pain. I have to do something, I can't just sit here another week! So fingers crossed that it's not too bad after a run, a foam roll and a killer stretching session.
So tonight, the plan is to test it out. Weather permitting, I want to get a short run in with PJ, just to see how the leg feels. I just need to know how badly it hurts during and after a run, so I can plan ways to get in physical activity that doesn't cause me further pain. I have to do something, I can't just sit here another week! So fingers crossed that it's not too bad after a run, a foam roll and a killer stretching session.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Brief note before I give a re-cap...I realize that I haven't blogged since April 20. Partially was from being a slacker but the other main reason was because I had a recent, very quick change in my work load and job description. I was chosen to participate in a training for my job. My entire workload was taken away from me and I have been traveling to Philadelphia to receive training for a new initiative at my job. I will spend about a month training and then about 8 weeks rolling the initiative out in my office, teaching my peers. It's a lot to take on, and everything was very last minute. My life, the week before the half marathon was thrown a huge curve ball, and it has been a bit overwhelming, so unfortunately my blogging had to be put on the back burner. But alas, I had some free time tonight to finally provide a re-cap of the Dicks Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Half Marathon on May 6, 2012.
I have so much to talk about, I actually had to outline my thoughts on paper prior to writing this, just to make sure I said everything I needed to say.
So Saturday evening, the night before the race, Omar, Shay, Sarah, Big Al and Ben crashed at my house so that we could commute down to the race together. We attempted to go to bed early, but all of our nerves were a bit shot, and most of stayed up much later than we wanted to. I tossed and turned for quite a while. I just kept thinking about how the race was already here. These 5 months of training, 274 miles run, all lead up to this one day. I kept worrying about the dumbest things, like driving down to the race and getting caught in traffic, or possibly getting into a car accident and injuring/killing all of my friends heading to the race, peeing/pooping myself during the race, mind was just going all over the place.
We got up bright and early, 5 am, to grab something to eat and make our way to the North Shore. We used Omar's parking pass and then walked the bridge to the start line. Sometimes, Omar working for the Pirates comes in handy and this was one of those situations. We used the bathrooms in the parking garage lobby. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the starting line, Sarah and I both had to go again. Port-o-john lines were freaking ridiculous, so we just decided, against our better judgment, to just hit a port-o-john as soon into the race as possible, in hopes that others weren't doing the same thing.
Before the race we got a group photo
Omar purchased us the throw away shirts. We matched. Aren't we a cute couple??
Here the girls prior to the race, ready to start the half (Shay, Big Al and myself) and the full (Sarah).
And me and my man
Waiting for the race to start was SO nerve wracking and all I could think about was how badly I had to pee. When I could get my mind off of the fact that I was about to run a half marathon, the longest I've ever run in my life, I tried to look around and just take the scene in. Over 25,000 people were signed up for the race, and it was just awesome seeing them all lined up for the race to start. We were in the last corral, so it took us 20 minutes to cross the starting line.
Ben was in corral c so he was way ahead of us and Big Al booked it as soon as the race started so we did not see her again until the end of the race.
Shay, Sarah, Omar and I stayed together for a short while, until Sarah ducked off to use the port-o-john. Omar, Shay and I ran just a bit further (a little shy of 1 mile) and waited for about 10 minutes to use the bathroom. Frustrating, frustrating, frustrating. I didn't want to have to stop during the race, but I had to pee so badly I honestly thought my bladder was going to explode. I'm just so scared of being dehydrated again, so I was too loaded with liquids for my own good. I knew that I would only need to go once, and I'd rather get it done with early and not have to stop again during the race.
The first 6 miles went by VERY quickly. Too quickly, in my opinion. Shay, Omar and I were taking in the sites and enjoying ourselves. We were weaving in and out of people trying to get a caught up a bit from our time lost going the bathroom. It worked out well because the crowds had thinned and we could make some headway in the race not being completely surrounded by people, like we were in the beginning. I'm pretty sure I had a smile on my face the entire first half of the race. This was the first large race I completed, and it was such an awesome thing, being surrounded by runners and having people in every neighborhood of Pittsburgh cheering you on. Each neighborhood decorated with balloons and tents and were lined with people. Some were cooking out, had horns and whistles, signs and sometimes food for runners. Very cool.
The weather was beautiful, but pretty hot for early May in Pittsburgh. The sun ended up being quite relentless. Not enough clouds in the sky...every water station was a Gatorade or two down the hatch and a water thrown on my head and neck.
Around mile 7 things started to go a little downhill for me. All of a sudden, my IT band in my left leg started to hurt. Not badly, just enough to let me know that it was there, it was a re-occurring injury, and that if it wanted to, it could flare up and really force me to slow down.
In the West End, we got to see Shay's Mom and Aunt Nancy and that cheered Shay up and added some pep to our steps. By about mile 8.5 my IT band was really starting to hurt. Why? I have NO IDEA. I was pissed though. It hadn't been bothering me on runs since I got a foam roller and rolled it every night. I blame being away from my house the week before the half and not having my foam roller in Philly.
Around mile 9-10, in South Side, we saw Omar's sister Mona and Omar's mom. They were cheering us on with cow bells and signs. We gave them both high fives. That definitely put a big smile on my face. It's really awesome seeing people you know while you're running, so if you're reading this and your friends and loved ones are racers, go out and watch them. Support them. Cheer them on. It's SO appreciated by those who are running.
By mile 10 my IT band was killing me and it continued to get worse, a shooting pain in my left leg the entire rest of the race. The pain was the worst on the downhill. It felt like quad was going to detach from my knee. I could tell that my form was really suffering and I was limping a bit, but we only had 3 miles left and I just refused to walk at that point.
After crossing the Birmingham Bridge, the final of 5 bridges that you cross during the race, we thought the course would be most downhill until the end. Boy were we wrong; way to throw 2 hills into the last 2 miles of the race marathon planners...RUDE! By this point, the 3 of us agreed that we were ready to be done running, ready to finish. We each would chime in the occasional encouraging phrase to push ourselves up these last 2 hills, before the final downhill decent to the finish line.
The last half mile was thrilling. Running the last bit of the race, seeing the finish line in sight, and running down the street lined with people cheering you on. Exhilarating! Like nothing I've ever experienced in my life. A complete and total high.
Very close to the finish line I heard a familiar voice yell Shay's name, a bunch of her friends and boyfriend were watching us and were cheering us on during the final stretch. We picked up the pace and gave it all we had, crossing the finish line with our hands raised above our heads in victory.
Omar, Shay and I ran the entire race together. We supported one another to the finish line. We laughed, danced, acted like fools, and made it 13.27 miles to the finish of Shay and my first 1/2 marathon and Omar's second. I definitely don't know if I could have pushed myself through the pain to finish the race without the support of those two. Running my first half marathon with my ever supportive, awesome boyfriend and one of my best friends. Shay motivated me every step of the way. That girl is one of the best running partners anyone could ask for. She is positive and peppy and definitely kept a smile on my face even when I was in pain. Omar is more of the quiet, supportive type. He doesn't like to make small talk when he is running, but it's like he knows when you're struggling and when you need someone to push you. It's at that point that he always has something encouraging to say. Two very different support systems, but both helped in more ways than I can describe. What an amazing experience and memory to share with them.
Here was our final time (I paused my watch for the bathroom break)
I was hoping to get closer to 2:10, but I have no complaints. Overall, my main goal was to complete the race. I'm officially a Runner of Steel. BOOM!
We were all so happy to be done and show off our bling. Big Al killed the half with a sub 2 hour time. You go GUUUURL!
I didn't get to see PJ at all Sunday :( So here is a celebratory picture that I stole from his facebook. Where is your smile Joshy? PJ's goal was sub 2:00. He killed it with a 1:56. I couldn't be more proud of ya buddy!!
And Susan (momswimbikerun) with her PR of 2:07. You're such an inspiration!
AND, no picture sadly, but brother Ron also ran his part of the Marathon Relay. 6.4 miles in 56 minutes. FANFREAKINTASTIC BROTHER!
And last but certainly not least, Sarah finished the Full Marathon. I couldn't be more proud or inspired by my frond. She had an emotional week due to a sudden loss in her family. My heart broke for her during the week and then again when she told me she decided that she was not going to run the marathon. At the last minute, she changed her mind and decided to do the race, and I think she is happy she did. I have so much respect and admiration for this girl. She has inspired me so much during this entire training process. Love her to pieces and I can't wait to run a race with her by my side.
It's been 3 days since the race and I'm still on a high. It's really hard for me to put into words every emotion that I felt during, and more importantly, after this race. Sunday was hands down one of the best days of my life. Is that pathetic?? I don't even care if it is. I have never been so inspired to get myself in better shape, to be faster, to be stronger, to be healthier and most importantly to run more races. I can't wait to get back into things and start training for my next half. I'm officially addicted. Who would have ever thought that would happen to me, the girl who has always hated running?
I have so much to talk about, I actually had to outline my thoughts on paper prior to writing this, just to make sure I said everything I needed to say.
So Saturday evening, the night before the race, Omar, Shay, Sarah, Big Al and Ben crashed at my house so that we could commute down to the race together. We attempted to go to bed early, but all of our nerves were a bit shot, and most of stayed up much later than we wanted to. I tossed and turned for quite a while. I just kept thinking about how the race was already here. These 5 months of training, 274 miles run, all lead up to this one day. I kept worrying about the dumbest things, like driving down to the race and getting caught in traffic, or possibly getting into a car accident and injuring/killing all of my friends heading to the race, peeing/pooping myself during the race, mind was just going all over the place.
We got up bright and early, 5 am, to grab something to eat and make our way to the North Shore. We used Omar's parking pass and then walked the bridge to the start line. Sometimes, Omar working for the Pirates comes in handy and this was one of those situations. We used the bathrooms in the parking garage lobby. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the starting line, Sarah and I both had to go again. Port-o-john lines were freaking ridiculous, so we just decided, against our better judgment, to just hit a port-o-john as soon into the race as possible, in hopes that others weren't doing the same thing.
Before the race we got a group photo
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From L to R: Omar, Me, Big Al, Shay, Sarah and Ben |
Here the girls prior to the race, ready to start the half (Shay, Big Al and myself) and the full (Sarah).
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From L to R: Me, Sarah, Big Al, and Shay |
Waiting for the race to start was SO nerve wracking and all I could think about was how badly I had to pee. When I could get my mind off of the fact that I was about to run a half marathon, the longest I've ever run in my life, I tried to look around and just take the scene in. Over 25,000 people were signed up for the race, and it was just awesome seeing them all lined up for the race to start. We were in the last corral, so it took us 20 minutes to cross the starting line.
Ben was in corral c so he was way ahead of us and Big Al booked it as soon as the race started so we did not see her again until the end of the race.
Shay, Sarah, Omar and I stayed together for a short while, until Sarah ducked off to use the port-o-john. Omar, Shay and I ran just a bit further (a little shy of 1 mile) and waited for about 10 minutes to use the bathroom. Frustrating, frustrating, frustrating. I didn't want to have to stop during the race, but I had to pee so badly I honestly thought my bladder was going to explode. I'm just so scared of being dehydrated again, so I was too loaded with liquids for my own good. I knew that I would only need to go once, and I'd rather get it done with early and not have to stop again during the race.
The first 6 miles went by VERY quickly. Too quickly, in my opinion. Shay, Omar and I were taking in the sites and enjoying ourselves. We were weaving in and out of people trying to get a caught up a bit from our time lost going the bathroom. It worked out well because the crowds had thinned and we could make some headway in the race not being completely surrounded by people, like we were in the beginning. I'm pretty sure I had a smile on my face the entire first half of the race. This was the first large race I completed, and it was such an awesome thing, being surrounded by runners and having people in every neighborhood of Pittsburgh cheering you on. Each neighborhood decorated with balloons and tents and were lined with people. Some were cooking out, had horns and whistles, signs and sometimes food for runners. Very cool.
The weather was beautiful, but pretty hot for early May in Pittsburgh. The sun ended up being quite relentless. Not enough clouds in the sky...every water station was a Gatorade or two down the hatch and a water thrown on my head and neck.
Around mile 7 things started to go a little downhill for me. All of a sudden, my IT band in my left leg started to hurt. Not badly, just enough to let me know that it was there, it was a re-occurring injury, and that if it wanted to, it could flare up and really force me to slow down.
In the West End, we got to see Shay's Mom and Aunt Nancy and that cheered Shay up and added some pep to our steps. By about mile 8.5 my IT band was really starting to hurt. Why? I have NO IDEA. I was pissed though. It hadn't been bothering me on runs since I got a foam roller and rolled it every night. I blame being away from my house the week before the half and not having my foam roller in Philly.
Around mile 9-10, in South Side, we saw Omar's sister Mona and Omar's mom. They were cheering us on with cow bells and signs. We gave them both high fives. That definitely put a big smile on my face. It's really awesome seeing people you know while you're running, so if you're reading this and your friends and loved ones are racers, go out and watch them. Support them. Cheer them on. It's SO appreciated by those who are running.
By mile 10 my IT band was killing me and it continued to get worse, a shooting pain in my left leg the entire rest of the race. The pain was the worst on the downhill. It felt like quad was going to detach from my knee. I could tell that my form was really suffering and I was limping a bit, but we only had 3 miles left and I just refused to walk at that point.
After crossing the Birmingham Bridge, the final of 5 bridges that you cross during the race, we thought the course would be most downhill until the end. Boy were we wrong; way to throw 2 hills into the last 2 miles of the race marathon planners...RUDE! By this point, the 3 of us agreed that we were ready to be done running, ready to finish. We each would chime in the occasional encouraging phrase to push ourselves up these last 2 hills, before the final downhill decent to the finish line.
The last half mile was thrilling. Running the last bit of the race, seeing the finish line in sight, and running down the street lined with people cheering you on. Exhilarating! Like nothing I've ever experienced in my life. A complete and total high.
Very close to the finish line I heard a familiar voice yell Shay's name, a bunch of her friends and boyfriend were watching us and were cheering us on during the final stretch. We picked up the pace and gave it all we had, crossing the finish line with our hands raised above our heads in victory.
Omar, Shay and I ran the entire race together. We supported one another to the finish line. We laughed, danced, acted like fools, and made it 13.27 miles to the finish of Shay and my first 1/2 marathon and Omar's second. I definitely don't know if I could have pushed myself through the pain to finish the race without the support of those two. Running my first half marathon with my ever supportive, awesome boyfriend and one of my best friends. Shay motivated me every step of the way. That girl is one of the best running partners anyone could ask for. She is positive and peppy and definitely kept a smile on my face even when I was in pain. Omar is more of the quiet, supportive type. He doesn't like to make small talk when he is running, but it's like he knows when you're struggling and when you need someone to push you. It's at that point that he always has something encouraging to say. Two very different support systems, but both helped in more ways than I can describe. What an amazing experience and memory to share with them.
Here was our final time (I paused my watch for the bathroom break)
I was hoping to get closer to 2:10, but I have no complaints. Overall, my main goal was to complete the race. I'm officially a Runner of Steel. BOOM!
We were all so happy to be done and show off our bling. Big Al killed the half with a sub 2 hour time. You go GUUUURL!
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From L to R: Big Al, Omar, myself and Shay |
And Susan (momswimbikerun) with her PR of 2:07. You're such an inspiration!
Kim killed her first marathon with a 4:04 time. You're amazing Kim!!!
And last but certainly not least, Sarah finished the Full Marathon. I couldn't be more proud or inspired by my frond. She had an emotional week due to a sudden loss in her family. My heart broke for her during the week and then again when she told me she decided that she was not going to run the marathon. At the last minute, she changed her mind and decided to do the race, and I think she is happy she did. I have so much respect and admiration for this girl. She has inspired me so much during this entire training process. Love her to pieces and I can't wait to run a race with her by my side.
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Beautiful sisters! |
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